Received a letter from us?
If you have received a letter from FOCUS, the named creditor has entrusted us with the task of collecting payment from you on their behalf. Most of the time it is because the issued invoice has not been paid even though its due date has passed. If there is no response to letters and reminders, the case continues and there is always a risk that it will end up in court action. It is therefore crucial to act.

I received a letter and want

Service to payers
Enginn fer í vanskil með reikningana sína eða ógreiddar kröfur af ásetningi. Allir hafa sínar ástæður hvort sem orsökin er skortur á greiðslugetu (tímabundinn lausafjárskortur), viðvarandi rekstrarvandi eða eitthvað allt annað sem býr að baki. Segðu okkur þínar ástæður og saman finnum við lausn á málinu. Þjónustuver okkar veitir nánari upplýsingar og tekur við fyrirspurnum á í síma 517-2500 eða á netspjallinu.
What can I do?
It is obviously best to pay according to the instructions in our first letter. However, the issue may be more complicated, but the first step should always be to contact us, because this way you can prevent further actions and increased costs. If no response is received to letters and reminders, the case simply continues and there is always a risk that it will end up in court proceedings, which all too often could have been easily avoided by simple communication and compromise between the parties.