Services for housing associations
Frá upphafi hafa FOCUS Lögmenn sem og forveri þess G.Jónsson & Partners sérhæft sig í þjónustu við húsfélög og stjórnir þeirra, meðal annars við að annast innheimtu húsgjalda og gjalda í framkvæmdastjóð hjá félagsmönnum.

Flexible service
FOCUS has many years of experience in providing services to a number of housing associations with the collection of building fees and/or construction fees, where the main emphasis is placed on ensuring that the legal lien rights of the associations for the fees are guaranteed and that equality is observed during collection.
We make managing life easier for treasurers and chairmen and prevent the loss of rights. We provide you with information about the services we can provide your housing association with pleasure.
We know that it is not desirable for the treasurer to collect on Alfred, a neighbor in 2E. But it can unfortunately be the responsibility of the treasurer or the board. We understand this and explain.
We are solution-oriented and offer flexible services that we tailor to the needs of your housing association, based on the number of members and the scope of the activity.
If you are the chairman or treasurer of a housing association and want to find out how our services can simplify your work for the housing association and provide you with security and the support you need at all times, please contact us by phone at 517-2500, or by email on We have connections with the largest banks where claims can be automatically transferred to us, depending on what is requested.
Phone 517-2500
Suðurlandsbraut 24, 2nd floor
108 Reykjavík
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